Friday, March 19, 2010

SLJ Round One, Match Five: Marcelo Marching

SLJ made Gary cry! SLJ made Gary cry!

Let me explain.

Today's round at the School Library Journal Battle of the Books:

Marcelo in the Real World versus Marching For Freedom: Walk Together Children and Don't You Grow Weary.

Gary Schmidt decides, pointing out what is fab about each book. It's practically two love letters to the books, plus some pretty fine book reviewing.

For Marching for Freedom: "an astonishing achievement," "visually stunning," "compelling," "powerful," and finally: "Dang, that's good." Gary, Gary, Gary -- this may be about children's books but grown ups read it. It's OK to say "damn."

For Marcelo: "unrelenting," "convincing," "absolutely magnificent stuff." OK, I guess I agree with you on stuff being the better word her in contrast to , well, another word.

The trumping reason as to why one wins and the other doesn't? "If I could only pick one of these to put into the hands of kids everywhere in North America, which one?"

Wow. Gary, this is just a fun contest! It's not about trying to have a bigger impact on American school children than Texas! Dang it, chill. It's OK. Please, don't put such a heavy loud on your shoulders. The responsibility is not yours...

Aw, hell. Gary makes his decision, "And now, I think I’ll go cry for a while."

There's no crying in SLJ Bob, Gary. Here's a tissue.

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© Elizabeth Burns of A Chair, A Fireplace & A Tea Cozy

1 comment:

elissa said...

I'm crying, too. Boo hoo. It's big pity party. :( FIRE and MARCELO were my top 2 books from last year. :(